Available mid June

HALLMARK | Devil-Anti Hallmarks Devil-Anti isn‘t really a classic anti-rubber. In addition to excellent anti-effect, this rubber also enables very controlled atta­ cking. Devil Anti reveals its full strength when it comes to blocking. With this rubber, you will be able to return even the hardest top­ spins. Players relying on classic defending and surprising dange­ rous mid-distance attacking may definitely want to give Devil-Anti a try, not least because even hobby players can handle the rubber without a lot of practice thanks to the exceptionally high control ra­ tings. Hallmark Devil-Anti is THE rubber for anti-spin players who act close to the table and use their anti-material for surprising attacking.

HALLMARK | Destroyer Hallmark Destroyer is an easy-to-control pips-out rubber. Compared to classic long pips-out rubbers, the pips of the Destroyer are slightly shorter, but still longer than in medium pips-out rubbers. This makes Hallmark Destroyer very versatile. In blocking situations, the Des­ troyer produces a distinct and dangerous pips-out effect. It can still be handled by relatively unpracticed players with little long pips-out experience and features excellent spin reversal which is perfect for point-winning, active blocking. The Destroyer is the perfect choice for any blocker considering switching from pips-in to pips-out rubbers. Various options in active situations make the Destroyer an ef­ ficient and dangerous weapon for any type of player. It also offers great performance in defense situations. Safe chopping and sudden attacking are possible without having to twiddle or change your technique. Speed: 45 • Control: 93 • Spin: 99 Sponge hardness: medium • Thickness: OX / 0,5 / 1.0 / 1,2 mm

HALLMARK | Tactics LP Tactics LP is probably the most spectacular material innovation laun­ ched by Hallmark in the past few years. Tactics LP is a long pips-out rubber especially designed for the ABS plastic ball, featuring unbelie­ vable pips-out effects for highly dangerous, hard-to-return balls. The pips are as long as permitted by the ITTF rules and regulations, and they are also exceptionally wide. This guarantees incredibly low ball bounce, the ball will drop down very quickly once it is over the net. In blocking situations, Tactics LP is easy to play and control and highly forgiving. Even the most extreme topspins can be returned easily. In addition, Tactics LP can produce unusual spin itself, which makes it even more dangerous. Material enthusiasts around the world will love the new Hallmark Tactics LP with its extremely annoying spin reversal and extraordinary defense options. Speed: 50 • Control: 94 • Spin: 107 Sponge hardness: medium • Thickness: OX / 0,5 / 1.0 / 1,2 mm

Speed: 69 • Control: 97 • Spin: 40 Sponge hardness: soft • Thickness: 1,2 / 1,5 / 1,9 / Max

€ 32.90

€ 34.90

€ 38.90

Item no.: 10290

Item no.: 10317

Item no.: 10341




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