The new GEWO Codexx rubber series is designed as a perfect combination of European and Asian rubbers. It combines a dynamic, hard sponge with a slightly tacky, but still flexible top sheet (ARC-HIT Technology). The new GEWO Codexx rubbers are made for dangerous, point-winning close-to- the-table playing and produce tons of power and spin. Compared to the po- pular Nexxus Hard series, the new Codexx rubbers produce even more rotation, thanks to the slightly tacky top rubber sheet. Due to a longer dwell time (ARC-HIT Technology), they also provide for more control in over-the-table situations. The key to ultimate power play with hard sponges and tacky top sheet Available mid June
GEWO | Codexx EL Pro 52
GEWO | Codexx EF Pro 54
Designed especially for explosive, close-to-the-table playing styles relying on short-range and quick movement, the new Codexx EL Pro 52.5 (Elastic Power) offers spin, speed and stability, combined with low ball bounce and all the control you will need to find the right answers even in situations when you are under high pressure. This rubber will reveal its full strength in attacking situations, while it still provides more than enough control and feel for spin-rich serves and short stops. This rubber has got everything you need for modern power table tennis. • Excellent spin ratings for opening topspins against backspin with dangerous trajectory • Perfect ball coupling in all strokes, no slipping, no uncontrolled bouncing. • Hard close-to-the-table topspins and counter-topspins plus more than enough power for mid-distance rallies • Power, stability, and spin for uncompromising close-to-the-table attackers relying on rather short-range and explosive movements and high-speed arm action.
Compared to the EL Pro 52 version, the GEWO Codexx EF Pro 54 (Explosive Friction) combines a slightly harder and more compact sponge with a moderately tacky top sheet. It is the perfect weapon for uncom promising, close-to- the-table attackers. EF Pro 54 stands for high-speed power spin and unstoppable attacking. This is just the ideal rubber for hard-working attackers. It is not made for players who haven‘t yet perfected their technique. Ultimate hardness combined with good control and great spin is all any determined attacker will need. • GEWO‘s latest power package for unlimited close-to-the-table power • Uncompromising attackers relying on explosive, high-speed play will definitely want to give this innovative weapon a try.
• Toxic serves, flat and spin-rich topspins, plus maximum power • For hardworking players with a good technique who love the direct and linear feel of hard sponges with tacky top sheets.
Speed: 135 • Control: 81 • Spin: 128 Sponge hardness: 52° / hard • Thickness: 2.0 / 2.2 mm
Speed: 137 • Control: 79 • Spin: 127 Sponge hardness: 54° / hard • Thickness: 2.0 / 2.2 mm
Item no.: 10300 € 44.90
Item no.: 10301 € 44.90
CHN-Impact 2
CHN-Impact 2
Quality made in Germany
Quality made in Germany
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